The New Testament appears to not always be clear on the
issue. Paul, of course, believed Jesus had finally made accessible the God of
Israel to gentiles. His letters were written almost exclusively to gentiles. In
Jesus the wedding feast for all peoples prophesied in Isaiah 25 was beginning
in his midst. As the earliest Christian writer, it seems likely Paul was just
reiterating the welcome of gentiles Jesus preached. This has always been the
belief of the Church. But can Paul be trusted as a source for the views of the
historical Jesus? There seem to be early opposing voices.
For instance, Paul mentions in Galatians 2 that when he came
to Jerusalem, he found Peter welcoming only other Jews to his table. Peter
seems to have believed, at least before being confronted, that gentiles were
not fit for the Jesus movement.
In addition, the
gospels of Mark and Matthew seem to present Jesus as much more concerned with
Israel than with the gentiles. Both make use of the rather embarrassing story
of the Syrophoenician woman who comes to Jesus begging him to heal her daughter
of a demon. Jesus, surprisingly, compares her and all gentiles to dogs begging under
the children’s table – the table of the Jews. Matthew augments this ethno-centrism
by including two sayings concerning the exclusively Jewish nature of Jesus’s
ministry (10:6, 15:24). If Paul is adamant there is one table for all people,
why does Jesus call this woman a dog and claim to have “only for the house of
Luke, writing his gospel using Mark and possibly Matthew,
may give us a hint as to what is happening. Certainly Luke includes material
that goes back to Jesus, but his Jesus is noticeably kinder to gentiles. Being
a keen writer, he does not simply regurgitate Mark. Luke excludes the Syrophoenician
woman presumably because it would have startled his gentile audience. Similarly,
no sayings about the house of Israel appear in Luke either. Is this an attempt
to cover up the hard reality about Jesus?
Though it would be easy to conclude that the earliest
Christians along with Jesus were anti-gentile, I think a closer look reveals
that all our sources present Jesus as welcoming to gentiles and Jews alike.We will examine Mark 7, the text most devastating to the
image of a hospitable Jesus.
The woman
was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out
of her daughter.
let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take
the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”
Then he
told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter”(Mark
It appears Jesus adopted the prevailing Jewish view that
gentiles were like dogs, low and unclean. For those awaiting the grafting of
the gentiles into the family of the God of Israel, the wait would continue. The
gentiles, it seems, will forever be cursed, receiving only the crumbs of God’s
There are problems with this line of thought though. If
Jesus is only giving the crumbs fit for the gentiles, why does the he
accomplish the healing of the daughter? Why is he so impressed by her response?
Daniel Kirk offers a way forward by reminding readers to
notice Mark’s arrangement of his pericopes. http://www.jrdkirk.com/2011/02/03/the-blessed-dog-of-mark-7/
He argues that the miraculous feedings
on either side of the exorcism are the key. The first feeding, one performed in
Jewish territory, produced baskets of leftovers. The subsequent feeding, this
time in the gentile region of Sidon, also produces a surplus. Jesus builds for
the gentiles their own table and again the crumbs amount to baskets and baskets
of food.
Despite this the disciples remain ignorant of Jesus’ ability
to produce an excess out of the seemingly insufficient.
Aware of
their discussion, Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about having no bread?
Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes
but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five
thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?”
they replied.
“And when
I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces
did you pick up?”
answered, “Seven.”
He said
to them, “Do you still not understand?”(Mark 8:17-21)
Having witnessed Jesus break bread twice the disciples are
afraid they will be in trouble for forgetting to bring bread. They cannot see
the fullness of the blessings Jesus brings. The woman, however, knows the
crumbs will satisfy for the crumbs are more than enough. If there were baskets
of leftovers at the table of Israel and baskets of leftovers at the table of
the gentiles, Jesus satisfies all people.
There is further evidence to support this interpretation. To
start, the theme of Mark 7 is the distinction between clean and unclean. The
Pharisees teach that a clean outside makes a clean inside. The Pharisees are
indignant because Jesus’ disciples do not wash before they eat and so confront their
teacher. Jesus responds to them “it is not what goes in that defiles a person
but what comes out of the heart”(Mark 7:15). Along with this, he makes the
radical claim that all foods are clean. A significant portion of the Jew’s
identity is here trivialized by Jesus. The Pharisees are wrong to assume the
gentiles are unclean simply because they do not wash or eat as the Jews. These
have nothing to do with defilement. It is the strictly washed and dietary
observant Pharisees who are unclean, for out of their hearts comes slander,
arrogance and folly(Mark 7:22). Again, Mark’s placement of texts has suggested
something unconventional is going on with the story of the gentile woman.
Lastly, the placement of the healing of a deaf mute
immediately after the story points toward this reading. In this gospel, proper
hearing and sight are required to understand Jesus. Mark uses particular healing
stories to represent the process of the reader coming to understand the gospel
of Jesus. Having finished the story of the faithful gentile woman, will the
reader too have ears to hear the message about clean and unclean? Will the
reader “be opened” just as the deaf man? Or, will he remain blinded like the
Pharisees and the disciples?
Unlike the disciples, the Syrophoenician woman has ears to
hear what Jesus is preaching. She has eyes to see that Jesus is not limited in
the blessings he brings. Unexpectedly, Mark has used this story to subvert the
Jewish attitude toward gentiles inviting all to come and experience Jesus.
Next time I will examine a much more problematic text,
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